Mercedes Azofra Obra


My artistic work, as is the case for many artists, is the reflection and the exteriorization of my inner world, it is a bridge between my emotions and my esthetic vision.

I consider myself an autodidactic artist, and my art is like me, eclectic, versatile, fluid and open….

I need to navigate the various channels of artistic communication, alternating among them, as they are always linked to my feelings and my state of mind.

I believe that the artistic and creative process is like Life itself, it can move through various ways and means towards the same destination.

My artistic style is expressionist and organic, linked to volumes, shapes and colors. The paint brushes and the colors allow me to capture and “shout” my emotions in an intimate and silent way, my art is where I express things that I would not be able to express otherwise.

Many of my artworks come straight out of my guts, they are so organic that you can sometimes feel them or touch them, they can be hearts, kidneys, feet, arms, eyes… Through the volumes of the human body and through nature, I merge with the soul of things and with their vital energy.

In parallel I keep on drawing….

That “additional sight” that I talked about (and of course I am referring only to the artistic eye) allows me to catch and painstakingly reproduce the reality, working and reworking the details, the nuances, the shades, without being able to stop looking, sometimes obsessively, and it can lead to total exhaustion, so I need to take a break between one work and the other to regenerate. It is a very intense process but it is gratifying to see the result, as it seems to translate into an absolute truth, like a radiographic scan of oneself.

On the lighter side, I love to work on rough drawings and sketches, which allow me more freedom, and I occasionally work on illustrations, which is light, direct and gratifying.

And finally, in addition to my canvasses, I am currently developing an exciting conceptual project, in collaboration with other artists. I hope it will see the light soon!

Mercedes Azofra Drawing


Mercedes Azofra Small Format Arkworks


Mercedes Azofra Large Format Artworks